Dive Brief:
- The Foothill Gold Line Construction Authority Board of Directors has awarded the main design-build contract for the 9-mile, $805.6 million Foothill Gold Line light rail extension from Glendora, California, to Pomona, California, to a joint venture between Kiewit and Parsons. The JV's contract includes an option to extend the rail line to Montclair, California, if the authority can secure the necessary funding by September 2021.
- Kiewit-Parsons' scope of work includes design and construction for the Glendora-to-Pomona segment, which encompasses relocation of existing freight track; installation of the new light rail track system; four new stations; and improvements at 40 grade crossings, almost 50% with new or renovated bridges.
- Kiewit and Parsons built the first two segments of the Foothill Gold Line project, which they finished on time and under budget in 2003 and 2015. The extension to Pomona should be completed by 2025, and, if the authority secures the necessary funding, the segment to Montclair should be finished by 2028, according to the San Gabriel Valley Tribune.
Dive Insight:
In its press release announcing the award, the authority said that the construction phase could generate as many as 16,000 jobs, which, in turn, would create up to $1 billion in labor income and up to $40 million in extra tax revenue.
The Foothill Gold Line was the first to be named a Measure M project, one that is a beneficiary of the 2016 voter-approved, half-cent regional sales tax. Measure M is expected to generate about $860 million a year for transit projects in Los Angeles County.
Other projects that are benefiting from the Measure M tax are the Sepulveda Transit Corridor, the West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor, an expansion of the ExpressLanes system, and an $891 million extension to the South Bay Metro Light Rail.
The Foothill extension is also one of the projects that Los Angeles officials want running before the 2028 Summer Olympics come to town as part of the "28 by 28" transit initiative. These projects include light rail, bus rapid transit and highway improvement and widening. Sixteen of the 28 projects designated as critical to making sure visitors can move through the city efficiently during the Olympics are also Measure M projects.